Your new, lightweight pack contains a new, lightweight sleeping bag, a canteen and some food—just enough for one meal, since it won't keep long in this climate.
You hope that your crash course in conversational Arabic will enable you to buy more food in the market.
Apart from your travelers’ checks— which you soon discover are not nearly as useful as your bank led you to believe—you’ve got 10 copper dirhams.
At Jake’s suggestion, you’ve brought a coil of rope with a hook attached. You’ve also got a rather nice sword that one of your ancestors brought back from some war or other.
You weren’t able to coordinate your travel plans, so you’ve arranged to meet Jake in the main market square of the city.
You’re ready to go whenever you click NEXT, unless you want to go back and REPEAT this information.
Don’t get ahead of yourself. Your job at this point is to click the NEXT button.